What is Self-directed Support

Self Directed Support gives people a choice about how their support is provided.  It is intended to encourage people to consider new ways of being supported or cared for rather than accept traditional services.

The options are:

Option 1 

Direct payment. A payment will be made to you to purchase your own support. With this you can arrange your own support.

Option 2 

Individual service fund. You can choose a care organisation that you want to provide you support and the Health and Social Care Partnership will arrange to pay this for you. This gives you choice and control but less responsibility for managing things.

Option 3

Health and Social Care Partnership arranged services. After discussing this with you, they will arrange the support for you from an appropriate provider. With this choice you have no responsibility for arranging things but you also have less choice and control over what support you receive.

Option 4

You can use a mixture of the options to arrange your care and support. This choice lets you pick the parts you want to decide about and what parts you want to leave to us.

Further information on self-directed care is available at https://www.inverclyde.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adults-older-people/self-directed-support-sds-personalisation