Our organisational aims are to promote: – Independence, Dignity, Privacy, Choice, Safety and Motivation Our Service Objectives are:-
  • To assist people to remain in their own homes should they wish to do so
  • To promote social stimulation and prevent isolation
  • To promote the maintenance of daily living skills
  • To contribute to rehabilitation
  • To provide support and information to carers.
Everything we aim to achieve is underpinned by the following values:-
  • We will ensure our services are delivered in such a way that the dignity and respect of users is preserved.
  • We will respect and value uniqueness and diversity whilst recognising, and building on, the strengths of individuals.
  • We will promote people’s right to choice, privacy, confidentiality and protection.
  • We will assist people to improve the quality of, and increase their control over, their lives.We will operate in a manner that does not stigmatise or disadvantage individuals, groups or communities.