About the service
If you are resident within Inverclyde and aged over 65 years our service can provide practical help with basic repairs maintenance decorating and garden tidying.
We aim to
Provide you with a support service that complements provision through statutory agencies and land lords. We support you by providing routine maintenance on your home and garden. By doing so we hope to ensure that you have a homely and safe environment
How do I access the service?
Self-referrals are welcomed; all you need do is contact our office (contact details below). Alternatively you can ask a relative / friend or representative of your sheltered housing complex, home support service, day care provider to contact us on your behalf.
What type of work can the service carry out
Garden Tidying: Grass cutting, hedge cutting, strimming etc.
Decorating: Limited to painting both emulsion and gloss and one room per job.
General Work including but not limited to:
Replacing Light bulbs, Changing fuses, Small Joinery work, Sealing baths and sinks, Minor sink Blockages, Telephone Extensions, Fitting shelves, Furniture assembly, Fitting curtain rails, Moving furniture, Hanging or removing curtains, Clearing pathways, Note: All outside work limited to Ground-storey height.
Rapid response
When you require assistance with an URGENT task please contact the office explaining the nature of the urgent request and we will aim to respond or redirect you to appropriate services.
Service Charges
As a charity we maintain our charges to our clients at a minimum level. We achieve this through financial support from Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership. All contributions assist us in maintaining and maximising the services available to our service client group.
Work we are unable to undertake
Carpet fitting, Central heating repairs, Electrical work, Plumbing work
Contacting us
Tel: 01475 742559
Email: maintenance@muirshiel.org.uk
The Muirshiel Centre, Block 8, Industrial Estate, Port Glasgow, Inverclyde, PA14 5XS